Countdown Christmas & NYE on our Digital Network!

DURDEN INSTALLED SNOW ZONE BANNER in Downtown Dothan for this weekends Christmas Festival. The banner stretched to 20 ft high and was hung with out damaging the new and expensive vinyl roof. This is just another one of the ways Durden Outdoor Display supports our community and it’s events.
The Festival will be held Saturday, December 2, 2011 from 9:00 am – 3:00pm in Historic Downtown Dothan. You can enjoy a day of FREE Family fun on Foster Street. Snow will be coming to Dothan on this day thanks to sponsor Century Link. At the Downtown Christmas festival you can visit with santa, ride the train, roast marshmellows, decorate cookies and make ornaments for the family tree. Families will delight in the horse and buggy rides and rows and rows of vendors with delightful Christmas crafts and gifts for sale. Most activities are free, thanks to the generosity of local businesses who sponsor the venues.
Be sure to go out and support our Dothan Community at this fun family event that comes once a year to Dothan.