Henry & Houston County Schools joined together with the District Attorney’s office to launch a campaign against Truancy and Violence against Teachers. Doug Valeska along with Tim Wilder (Dothan City Superintendent), Tim Pitchford(Houston County Superintendent), and Lisa Knowles (Henry County Superintendent), reached out to Durden Outdoor Displays when it came time to put this campaign into action.
Twenty (20) Poster Billboards across Houston & Henry County will be covered with the multiple designs created by the Durden Art Department for this joint campaign. Not only did Durden Outdoor showcase this campaign with their billboards, but they also helped with creating the 25,000 rip cards that were sent home with students to explain the truancy law. These brochures/rip cards include a perforated edge to tear off, requiring a parent or guardian signature to indicate they have read and understood the law. All tear-offs should be returned to the school.
“We just want to send a message. Our number one interest is the children,” Valeska said. “Our job is to work with the children and keep them in school.”
Skip School, Deal with the DA. Truancy is any unexcused absence, tardy or leaving school without permission. A parent or guardian can face criminal charges if the child is not properly attending school. The student can face court-ordered probation, electronic monitoring, curfews and extensive counseling. Truancy complaints can be filed on a student between the ages of 7 and 17 if they have at least seven absences.
Hit a Teacher, Go to Jail. Valeska’s Campaign for Violence against Teachers is posted along with the Truancy Billboards. If you physically punch/hit your teacher or principal you could be subject to jail time.
Durden Outdoor was very happy to help promote this important message to the parents and students of Houston and Henry County. If you have a message you would like to publicize please contact the Sales Department for further information on our outdoor billboards and other media.