Area 51 Products Chosen as Advertiser of the Week

“98% of people that come in because of billboards enroll and start. We were highly surprised at this statistic! The dact that we can have several different messages rotate every month is great for us,” says Patrick Donivan, Fortis College School Director.Since then, Fortis College in Dothan, Alabama has simultaneously used Durdens directional billboards, Durden digital billboard network, and four week rotary billboards. They have seen a significant increase in their enrollment of the following programs:
“In Jan 2012, Fortis will be adding CDL Training — and a RN Program will be forming later on down the road,” says Ben Cole, Admissions Director.Durden will be able to help promote these newest aditions to the Fortis Family with the help of our large selection of print posters & bulletin billboard spaces. Durden’s Digital Network , alone, has 13 Displays in 3 Cities (Dothan, Enterprise, Eufaula) that reaches over 600,000 cars daily. If you would like to see your company grow, like Fortis has, please contact one of our sales reps today. They will be able to get you on the right track when it comes to outdoor advertising & we can start making you FAMOUS!
The creative team at Durden Outdoor recently completed a new double truck ad for Dothan Magazine. A double truck ad is a two page ad where the pages are facing each other. A double truck ad allows for a lot of space to display your marketing message. The new Durden ad features the FAMOUS tagline meaning Durden Outdoor is in the business of making other companies FAMOUS. The effects done to the word FAMOUS were completed using Photoshop layer styles and 3D effects. Durden Outdoor utilizes high quality graphic design tools including CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator to create effective marketing messages.
Keep in mind, part of the deal when starting a marketing campaign at Durden Outdoor is having our award winning creative team design an effective billboard design for your business. The Durden crreative team treats each company differently based on goods and/or services offered to ensure you have the best possible marketing message posted. Contact us today to see what the Durden Outdoor creative team can do for your business.
Creative advertising generates impressions. When you have the public’s attention it is much easier to captivate your audience. If they are not looking they are not buying. Durden Outdoor has been working with Eagle Eye Outfitters to establish brand identity and to direct traffic to their location in Dothan, Alabama. This summer Eagle Eye Outfitters wanted to feature the fishing clothing they offer.
The client provided a picture of the man fishing leaving the creative design ideas to the Durden Creative Department. The billboard design concept quickly evolved from a simple extension of the man over the top of the billboard to the eye catching design you see. At first thought the massive 5 foot tall extension seemed to get the job done. After more brainstorming and discussion our creative staff decided to add a huge fishing pole and fish to the left side of the board.
The fish was designed in a 3D CAD program. The parts were sent out to be CNC Laser Cut. The body of the fish is cut from .063 aluminum and the internal braces for the fish are CNC laser cut from .1875 P&O Steel plate. The fish assembly bolts together with 15 bolts and once it is bolted together it is very rigid. The total weight of the fish is roughly 6 pounds.
The end result is a shiny fish swinging in the wind and catching the attention of those passing by. The client has already reported a large number of people commenting on the billboard within the first 2-3 days of it being posted. This design will run for about 6 months before being replaced with the fall line marketing message. Read more →