Dothan Magazine can be found in most convenient stores as well as many other locations around Dothan, Alabama and surrounding towns. If you have not picked up a copy of Dothan Magazine we encourage you to check it out. One of the first things you will notice it is a high quality publication. The second thing you will notice it is actually about Dothan, it’s citizens, and attractions in the area.
Durden Outdoor has a full page ad in the magazine featuring some of our billboards on Ross Clark Circle near Hooters, Long Horn Steakhouse, TGI Fridays, Sam’s Club, and Chick Fil A. if you pick up a copy of Dothan Magazine be sure to look for the Durden Outdoor ad and have your smart phone ready to scan the QR Code on the page.
Be sure to contact us if you have any questions or need help advertising your business. Give Durden Outdoor a chance to make you FAMOUS.
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